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updated 4:32 PM UTC, Feb 7, 2025

St. John Bosco and His Educational Philosophy

St. John Bosco dedicated his life to young people, proposing a new educational system: The Preventive System: This system sums up Don Bosco's educational philosophy in three words: Reason, Religion and Loving-kindness. For him it was impossible to educate a young person through reason without…

San Giovani Bosco e la sua filosofia educativa

San Giovanni Bosco dedicava la sua vita ai giovani, proponendo un nuovo sistema educativo: Il sistema preventivo: Questo sistema riassume la filosofia educativa di Don Bosco in tre parole: Ragione, Religione e Amorevolezza. Per lui era impossibile educare un giovane attraverso la ragione senza qualcuno…

Bici n. 393

Peace and good! The new BICI, n. 393 - February 2025, has been published. It can be downloaded from the website or viewed directly via the link below. Fraternally, Br. Francisco Castillo OFMCapCommunications Office

Custodia di Malaysia-Singapore

Custodia di Malaysia-Singapore CU: fr. Gilbert James 1C: fr. Michael Aloysius Raymond 2C: fr. Paul Cheong Eletti: 23/01/2025 Luogo: Gethsemani Friary, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Presidente: Fr. Edgar S. Martinez, (Ministro Provinciale delle Filippine)
