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updated 9:58 AM UTC, Apr 24, 2024

Sentire cum Ecclesia

The Pope’s prayer intentions

August: That families, through their life of prayer and love, become ever more clearly “schools of true human development”.

The Pope Video

September: That politicians, scientists and economists work together to protect the world’s seas and oceans.

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Pope Francis @Pontifex

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Faith is a gift that keeps alive a profound and beautiful certainty: that we are God’s beloved children.

We pray for the sick who are abandoned and left to die. A society is human if it protects life, every life, from its beginning to its natural end, without choosing who is worthy to live or who is not. Doctors should serve life, not take it away.

In today's Gospel Jesus tells us of the real joy of his disciples: "Rejoice because your names are written in heaven" (Lk 10, 20), that is, in the heart of God the Father.

We need people and institutions that defend the dignity of workers, the dignity of work and the good of the earth, our common home

In difficult times, even more than in times of peace, the priority for believers is to be united to Jesus, our hope.

Through your attention to the little ones and to the poor, you can kindle stars in the night for those who suffer.


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Last modified on Monday, 05 August 2019 12:18