Ratio Formationis
- Published in Other news items
As part of the preparatory work for the next General Chapter, the General Secretariat for Formation is implementing a series of initiatives and instruments that will allow us to make a more thorough, hands-on reflection on the present and future of formation in our Order. More information can be found in the attached letter from the General Minister.
In addition to the letter, you will also find with this text a link that will allow you to access an online questionnaire addressed to all the friars of the Order. Whether you are in initial or ongoing formation, it is recommended that you take some time for reflection before answering each item in the questionnaire. Responses will be sent directly to our database and will be studied by the friars who make up the groups organized from the conferences and appointed by the General Minister. We invite you to respond and submit the questionnaire by the end of November.
We invite you to complete this small task which will help us to continue our reflection on formation in our Order. We beg for the intercession of our Father St. Francis, that he may continue to deepen and enliven our Capuchin charism in all the continents of the world.