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updated 9:28 AM UTC, Sep 12, 2024

Inter-Franciscan Online Course 2023

On November 7, 8, and 9 of 2023, many Friars Minor, Conventuals, Capuchins, and also some TOR fraternities from 23 European countries gathered through a Zoom webinar to participate in a course entitled "The Current Evangelization of Europe: a New Evangelization? The Franciscan Contribution."    

Each day's work opened with a greeting from one of the General Ministers (Br. Carlos Trovarelli, OFMConv; Br. Massimo Fusarelli, OFM; Br. Roberto Genuin, OFMCap; and also Br. Amando Trujillo, TOR) offering important insights on the theme of the course.

The course was conducted in Italian, and was translated into five other languages: English, French, Polish, Spanish and Croatian. It took a lot of work to prepare the inscription format, the sending of the link, the preparation of the materials, including the "operational set," and the realization of the broadcast itself by our own Br. Francisco Castillo, head of the Communications Office of our General Curia.

 All the material presented (presentations of the General Ministers, speakers, and Mission Secretaries will be available to everyone through a PDF available by e-mailed request at [email protected]; also, videos of the recording will be available on the YouTube channel: Inter-Franciscan Evangelization. 

Among the many thanks that came in, we share one that sums up and clearly expresses the feelings of so many: "Thank you so much for this course. I think it was very inspiring. I think it would be very important to continue this course/meeting, for example, every year. It is also important that by holding it online, it is much more accessible to many brothers."


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Last modified on Saturday, 25 November 2023 09:48