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Meeting of Latin American JPIC Animators

São Paulo (Brazil). The Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission of the Capuchin Order has already held a couple of meetings for formation in this part of the world, on the following topics: Migration, in September 2011 in Lima, Peru; ‘Protecting Creation and Laudato si’’ in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic in June 2016. The purpose has always been to ‘inspire, inform, and integrate’. In the past three years there have also been various meetings via Skype for friars interested in JPIC.

This most recent meeting, for Capuchin JPIC animators, was held in São Paulo, Brazil from February 17 to 26, 2018. The topic was ‘Ecological spirituality and human rights’. Thirty friars from twenty-one circumscriptions participated, coming from three different Conferences: CONCAM (North and South Mexico, Northern Central America, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, and Haiti), CCA (Paraguay, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia), and CCB (eleven circumscriptions of Brazil).

The Pope’s encyclical was the foundation of the whole meeting: “The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom of justice, peace, love and beauty.” (Laudato si’, 246). We shared the particular situation of our places with reference to violations against human rights and creation. These same situations were also described by excellent speakers.

Guided by the OFM Cap. JPIC Handbook, we discussed projects to propose to the circumscriptions, especially those that are in collaboration with the Franciscan family, other institutes of consecrated life, and the Church. (E.g. Iglesia y Minería, Red Eclesial Panamazónica (REPAM), and Catholic Climate Movement, among many others). At the end of the meeting the results were announced to the friars of ALAC (Asamblea Latinoamerica y Caribeña de Cappuchinos) and in support of the ‘Capuchin fraternity’ project in the Amazon.

Br. Benedict Ayodi

More information on www: jpic.capuchinos.org.br

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