Copia de Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum EN

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Second International Meeting of Capuchin Sisters

The international meeting of Capuchin sisters was held in Mexico from May 30 to June 10, 2016. On this occasion the presidents of the sisters’ federations were invited in a particular way as well as the religious who assist the federations of Capuchin Poor Clares. The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration also participated and we received greetings and the promise of prayer from the Capuchin Sisters of Penitence in Switzerland. In one way or another and in mutual communion of life with the friars, the whole Capuchin contemplative family was present.

The theme of the meeting was taken from the Testament of St. Clare: “Recognize your vocation: the Son of God has made himself the Way.” The specific topic that gathered us was: “The Constitutions of the Capuchin Poor Clares: current experience and critical points for consideration in a particular way, as well as the planning of the process of updating and enriching the text.”

We dedicated some days to contemplation of current issues with the eyes of faith, listening to the reports of the presidents and the assistants regarding their respective federations, and in a particular way to post-conciliar changes, the current experience of the Constitutions, and the critical points for which we realize that a renewal of the text is necessary.
Following this we took up a process of discernment, beginning from our vocation, thanks to two conferences of the General Minister along with the contributions made during the last international meeting in 2006, as well as the varied experiences and goals. We also had a day of retreat in order to place ourselves in a place of prayer and of reflection on the Constitutions.

The third stage was dedicated to mapping out the concrete paths towards the future, in a particular way the planning of the process of the revision of the text of the Constitutions. The first decision of the presidents was unanimous: this is the right time to take up this work! Given that the work would have to be shared, focused on certain concrete points, and a global revision, a clear agreement did not emerge. Therefore it was decided to proceed by a middle way, working in a particular way on certain focal points, in order to then look again at the text and its language so that these might be more purposeful and direct. An international commission of sisters will be appointed to do this.

Beyond this there was a consensus on certain general criteria regarding new foundations, the sisters’ solidarity and on resources, as well as on the constitutions of new federations.

A study was also proposed on the possibility of an international confederation that would gather all the federations, including the associations of Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration and the Capuchin Sisters of Penitence, toward a common animation and coordination for all the Capuchin sisters.

We experienced intense days of communion in which brothers and sisters participated in a common discernment that brought us to marking out some interesting steps towards the future,  with the purpose of giving new life to the charism. We are all invited to continue to walk in the footsteps of Francis and Clare, living in one family, accepting our differences and diverse points of view as a richness and giving ourselves to fraternal relationships without domination or subordination, in the seeking journey of each, following him ‘who for us made himself the Way.’

Br. Leonardo Ariel González
Delegate of the General Minister for the Capuchin Sisters

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Last modified on Thursday, 30 June 2016 13:48
