Copia de Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum

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aktualizacja 4:32 PM UTC, Feb 7, 2025

Pope Francis & The Strength of Vocation

“The Strength of vocation” is one of the inspiring books containing the interview with Pope Francis done by Fr. Fernando Prado.

It is a book which contains deep reflections from the heart of our Pope Francis who talks to the readers as a religious about his vocation, discernment and the process of integral formation to become a Jesuit.
There are important themes connected to religious life and its challenges today like plurality, social response, affective maturity, leadership, crisis faced by the church through scandals and abuses. These themes are dealt with his reflections coming from a religious leader and our Pope who has learned to follow Christ humbly but in a responsible manner.

The force of vocation as he will assert is the ‘joy’ that is to be present in every religious who has set his foot to follow Christ. He has quoted various life examples and points to some religious who are integrally inspirational. He points out that only in and through the community a religious can make true discernment and live a happy life. A religious superior has to pray, love and listen.
All those who desire to review their religious vocation and deepen their commitment to God and for a meaningful commitment this book has very good insight.
As it is translated into different languages we strongly recommend that you brothers try to read this book and start manifesting that joy that Pope Francis talks of.

Charles Alphonse & Jaime Rey Ofm Cap
General Secretariat for Formation

Book Details: Papa Francesco, La forza della vocazione: Conversazione con Fernando Prado, Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, 2018. Web:
