Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation
Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation
The international office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) is a permanent structure of the Capuchin Order. The main objective of this office is to assist the General Minister and his Council in the work of animating the Order in terms of JPIC values and activities.
The international office is made up of:
1. The office: The international JPIC office, located at the General Curia in Rome, has a full-time Director, appointed by the General Minister and by his Council. If deemed necessary, an assistant can also be appointed.
Director of the Rome Office: Br. Joel de Jesus (Philippines)
2. The International Commission: The Commission serves the Office through advice and consultation, presenting the problems, needs, interests, and hopes of our international brotherhood. The members of the International Commission are appointed by the General Minister and by his Council, keeping in mind the international character of the Order.
President of the JPIC Commission: Br. John Celichowski (Province of Calvary, USA)
Objectives of the sexennium Inform, Integrate, Inspire
For more information visit:
Blog: jpeofmcap.wordpress.com
Contact - email: [email protected]
Joel de Jesus
John Celichowski